In general, it's not advised to split a piece of oral medication for administration. However, swallowing a capsule pill whole may be challenging for a specific group of people. If you have such trouble or your child cannot swallow a pill, there is another feasible way - Open it! If you want to open a capsule properly without compromising its original potency, do not miss out on this article.
Is It OK to Open a Capsule Pill?
Most of the time, patients are not encouraged to take the medication out of a capsule for administration. That's because the existence of a capsule shell has to do with how long the medication will be released and where it will be absorbed in your body.
But it doesn't mean that you cannot open capsules for consumption. So, under what circumstances would it be OK to split capsule pills?
1. Under the guidance of your healthcare provider
Even if you struggle to swallow pills or there is no alternative medication form available, opening a capsule must be conducted following the supervision and approval of a healthcare professional or pharmacist.
2. Capsules with contents that can be opened
Some capsules are intended to open for administration, such as sprinkle capsules. These pills enable the medication to be orally taken by mixing with soft food or liquid. They are ideal for people who cannot swallow capsules or tablets. Of course, if you prefer, you can also ingest it directly.
How to Easily Open Capsules?
Capsules usually come in two halves. Opening them is a straightforward process. Then, what will you need to open the capsules? Are there any instructions that should be followed? Keep reading!
1. Capsules to be administered
2. 1 tablespoon or 1 small bowl
3. Soft food/liquid (water, milk, yogurt, fruit juice, etc.) to mix the medication with
Step 1: Clean your hands thoroughly. Wipe clean the tablespoon or bowl you will use.
Step 2: Ensure that the spot for opening capsules is clean.
Step 3: Hold a capsule firmly with the thumbs and index fingers of both hands over the tablespoon or small bowl.
Step 4: Carefully twist and pull the capsule open.
Step 5: Pour or tap the content into the tablespoon or small bowl. Make sure nothing is left in the capsule shell. Repeat Step 3 to Step 5 for handling the rest of the capsules.
Step 6: Add the content inside the tablespoon or bowl to soft food or liquid.
Step 7: Swirl the container of the food or liquid. You can also use a spoon to thoroughly mix the content with food or liquid.
Step 8: Take the mixture within 30 minutes of preparation.
Can You Open a Softgel Capsule?
There are two common types of gelatin capsules: hard and soft capsules. The main difference between them is the former comes in two halves while the latter is a single-piece unit. Softgel capsules can be separated, but not by bare hand.
The content in a softgel is fully enclosed by a thicker layer of gelatin than that of a hard capsule. Instead of twisting or pulling open, you can carefully puncture the capsule with a needle or a sharp object. Ensure that the tool is clean to prevent contamination. Once cut open, squeeze out the content. You may swallow the content directly or mix it with juice, milk, yogurt, or smoothie as you like.
However, we often do not recommend doing so. Softgels typically contain liquid or oil, so it's not easy to get all the contents out of the capsule. In other words, chances are the full potency of the medication won't be guaranteed.
How to Give the Medication after Opening Capsules?
When you open a capsule and take the content out of it, there are four common ways to administer the medicine.
1. Sprinkle Capsules
As mentioned above, sprinkle capsules are intended to be ingested by splitting them open and sprinkling them on food or liquid. All you need to do is carefully read the medicine label and follow the instructions.
2. Dissolve in Liquid
Once opened, pour everything inside the capsule into a liquid like water or juice. Dissolve the content in liquid by swirling.
Be sure to ask your healthcare provider how to do this correctly. For example, how much liquid is used to dissolve the medicine? If you're giving medicine to your young child, an oral syringe or spoon can be a good tool to administer medication.
3. Mix with Food
The formulations of some capsules can be mixed with food. Open the capsule and mix the content with soft food like milk, yogurt, jam, or honey. Swallow the mixture as soon as possible. As with the second approach, speak with your doctor before doing so.
4. Disperse Capsules
When you need to reduce the dose or give your child a portion of a capsule, you can disperse the desired amount of content in liquid or food.
What should I do with the remainder? Can I reclose the capsule for the next use? No. Do not keep the capsule that has been opened. That's because the effectiveness of the remaining contents might have been affected when you use a partial capsule.
The Bottom Line
If you have difficulty swallowing or want to give medicine to your child, opening capsules is an essential skill to master. On top of that, seek guidance from your healthcare provider before making any move. Their advice will help you open and administer capsules in a safer manner. Additionally, if you have gone through the tips outlined above, you can confidently and successfully open capsule pills.